Friday, July 11, 2008

First post!

I love reading blogs, especially wedding and craft centered ones, so here I am. I get a creative urge every couple of weeks and have been exploring different crafts and creative outlets, including photography, baking, painting designs on clothing, making ornaments and costumes. Now that I'm a couple years out of college and living with my partner, I'm also starting to get into decorating the house and making it look a little better than just mismatched hand-me-down furniture lingering from our college days.
I've always loved baking, although I often lack the time and motivation nowadays to make anything, unless I have people to share the goodies with. Here are some cakes and other goodies I've made in the past...

Birthday cake for a chocoholic: chocolate cake with chocolate and raspberry ganache filling and chocolate frosting

Corset cake for a friend's bachelorette party

Stork cake for a friend who is pregnant

Flourless chocolate cupcakes with fresh strawberries and powdered sugar

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